Thursday, July 11, 2013

Back to School Ideas and a Freebie!

We are heading out for the family vacay that I mentioned, so my posting will be spotty at best over the next week. So I am apologizing my readers ahead of time for a post that is somewhat scattered!

 I wanted to share some of the back to school items that I have been creating and gathering.

1. This is hot off the presses-our September math pack- perfect for the first several weeks of school when the students' abilities are all over the place (a great way to differentiate). Click on the picture to visit our TpT store.

2. Last year I used several pages from the great second grade pack from Babbling Abby:

3. I won this super awesome pack from Jamie Rector's (2nd Grade Stuff).  She did a giveaway based on feedback left on TpT and she picked me!!!! Woohoo:)

4. Our district developed "I can" statements for all of the CCSS. We will be expected to use these this school year. I have yet to begin this project, but here is my plan:
Print the "I Can" statements on sentence strips (YES! It is possible! I just read the tutorial on how to do this over at A Turn to Learn. Just click on her button to read how to do this!)

Then I will laminate and use them in this cute pocket chart that our PTA bought for each of us in my grade level from Really Good Stuff (sorry for the small picture!):

Last, I did mention a freebie:) It is an activity from the new September Math pack I wrote about above. Click on the image to download it for free from our store. Remember to leave us some feedback:)

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Liebster Award!

Woohoo! We have been nominated for the Liebster Award for new blogs by Wallis at First Grade Wolves! Thank you:)

Basically, we get to tell you a little bit about ourselves.  Then we nominate additional blogs that we enjoy. Pretty awesome, right?

To accept the nomination I must:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them

So, my nominees are......
Kayla at Top Dog Teaching
Jess and Kheila at Two Friends in First
Christin at Shifting Teacher

Wallis asked me the following questions as a part of this award:

1. Where did you go to college? I went to Ohio University (Go Bobcats!)
2. What is the last movie you saw? Despicable Me 2
3. What is your favorite product on Teachers Pay Teachers? Ummm...usually the one I just finished:) So right now, it is the September Math Activity Pack. We are moving away from Everyday Mathematics as a district this year, so I need as much supplemental material for the Common Core as I can create/get my hands  on!
4. What is the hardest thing about teaching? For me, it is finding a good balance between home and school. At the beginning of the school year, I suffer from a lot of Mommy guilt....
5. What are your hobbies? I enjoy reading, boating, scrapbooking (when I can find the time....)
6. Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person? I would rather be outdoors, unless it is super hot and muggy (kind of like today in Cincinnati!).  I try to be outside with my girls as much as possible.
7. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas! What's not to love? A meaningful holiday, no school for at least a week AND giving gifts to others!
8. What is something you want to make for your classroom this year? I am in the process of revamping math workshop, so I will be creating lots of new materials for this as well as organizing games, manipulatives and activities in a meaningful and easy way for the students to access.
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would travel the United Kingdom- haven't been and no language barrier to worry about!
10. Do you cook?  If so, what is your favorite recipe? I love to cook, but admittedly do it best in the summer with more time and less stress. My favorite recipe this summer is a bruschetta chicken one that you can find here. Seriously yummy, easy to make, healthy AND my picky 4 year old twins will eat it.
11. What is your favorite place to shop? This summer I have found some great deals on Zulily. I also like finding things for my girls on Etsy. However, I love to stop in person at Hobby Lobby, Target and Half Price Books.  I guess what I'm saying is that I *might* have a summer shopping addiction;)

11 Facts About Me:
1. I grew up in Columbus, Ohio and I am a HUGE Buckeyes fan.
2. I have been married for 9 years to my husband. We met in college where we both played college sports.
3. I went on hospital bedrest when I was pregnant with my twins at 24 weeks. Imagine being at school in April, then not finishing the last 6 weeks (and no long term sub plans ready!)
4. I love reading on my Kindle Fire. 
5. I am addicted to water sports! I am currently working on improving my wakeboarding skills as well as attempting to get up on one ski.
6. My husband and I own a ski boat and we are teaching our daughters to waterski this summer.
7. I am allergic to tree nuts.
8. I started an organic vegetable garden this summer with tomatoes, carrots, onions, basil, peppers, beans, squash and cucumbers.
9. I have two sisters, no brothers.
10. I traveled to Germany last summer on a teacher exchange program for three weeks and LOVED it!
11. I believe that teachers and engineers make good partners: I am a teacher and my husband is an engineer. His mom was a teacher and his dad an engineer. My mom was a teacher and my dad an engineer.....You get the picture:)

Finally, my questions for my nominees:
1. What is your favorite grade to teach?
2. If you could be anything other than a teacher, what would you be?
3. What is your favorite food?
4. How do you spend your free time?
5. What do you like best about your classroom?
6. What do you like least about your classroom?
7. What are you currently reading?
8. If money and time was no object, where would you spend your summer vacation?
9. What is your favorite pet?
10. What is your favorite TV show?
11. What is your must have beauty product?

I am looking forward to reading everyone's answers!
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Back to School Prepping in July

Happy July! I personally look forward to July since it is my twins' birthday month as well as the month when we usually take our family vacay. However, there is a little moment of panic that sets in immediately following July 4th. You know, the voice in the back of your head that says summer break is already halfway over.  The stores don't help, already advertizing back to school sales on supplies.

So, while I have already been busy in June doing some long term planning and picking up a few things for my classroom, July is when I like to kick it into high-gear. My building has awesome custodians who work very hard and can usually have our classrooms finished sometime in July. So I take advantage of these quiet days in the building to perfect my classroom setup.  I find that doing so helps alleviate stress in August. Also, if I am being honest, I am more productive when no one else is around! When everyone starts to come back from summer break, I find myself busy socializing with my school pals instead of being productive in the classroom. Which is great, but not so much when you have only 2 days left to get a room ready!

So, looking at the calendar for this month, I have about 2.5 weeks that I will be in town and I plan to make the most of them! I am setting the following goals for myself:

1. Get my classroom ready (furniture in place, wall space organized and set up, materials/manipulatives organized)
2.Get the first two weeks of school plans finished will copies made and put in my drawers.
3. Set up my welcome to second grade hallway bulletin board
4. Reorganize math materials to facilitate math workshop

I will post my progress here on the blog, since it will hopefully help me to make sure I accomplish these goals (which will leave me time in August to snuggle with my girls and pretend that summer really isn't coming to an end!)

I will leave you with a picture of some sweet deals I found yesterday at Michael's for my classroom.

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