Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May Craziness {and free product giveaway}

Long day today. 7:30am leadership meeting before school, full day field trip with the class, followed by a curriculum meeting until 5:00pm.
Does this sound like a typical day for you in May? Thank goodness I have a husband who is the son of an elementary school teacher. He knows that the months of August and May are the craziest and realizes that he will have to cook, clean, etc. on the homefront.
May is fun and challenging at the same time...wrapping up the year with your current students, looking to next year and planning all the changes you want to make and did I mention the kiddos have a major case of spring fever???
To help you deal with the craziness of May we have decided to give away some free products from our TpT store. The first five people to comment AND begin following our blog can pick any item from our store for free. Don't forget to leave your email address so we can send you the file.
Happy May!
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  1. Such a cute blog! I am so excited to be a follower! I would love the May Math for Second Grade. :) :)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Meg-
      Thank you for following our blog! Check your inbox-the May Math is there.
      Cheryl and Jen

  3. I found ya' :) I lived in Newport, KY for 11 years. Our house had a gorgeous view of the OH river. I miss Cinti!
    Welcome to the bloggy world.
    My Second Sense

    I'd love : May Math Activity Pack for Second Grade-Common Core Aligned

  4. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  5. I would like the March math. Please email it to me here. Thank you!

  6. Tania and Emily-
    Thanks for following! Check your inboxes for the files.
    Jen and Cheryl

  7. Yay for 10 days left! :) Glad to see you got your blog up and running!
